April 16, 2007

The Final Solution to Don Imus

By now, dear reader, you have undoubtedly heard every sentient beings opinion regarding what the French call the Affair Imus. As all of Gods creatures big and small already know, ill-mannered shock-jock Don Imus has landed himself in oodles of trouble (and the unemployment line) by referring to the Rutgers University womens basketball team as a passel of nappy-headed hos.

Never before has anyone cared so much about the Rutgers University womens basketball team. In fact, never before has anyone cared about the Rutgers University womens basketball team. Actually, never before has anyone cared about womens basketball. But we collectively digress.

Perhaps we, the crack young staff of The Hatemongers Quarterly, are the only ones who dont fully understand the whole Imus brouhaha. Naturally, like all reasonable people, we find Mr. Imus comments offensive.

But, as John Leo dutifully pointed out on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Imus has a long history of uttering ethnically insensitive remarks. On previous programs, hes discussed blacks, Jews, and assorted minorities in derogatory terms.

So why did it take so long for people to catch up to Don Imus shtick? Why this sudden horror at one of his racist remarks?

It doesnt make too much in the way of sense to us. As far as John Leo is concerned, folks are jumping on the anti-Imus bandwagon because its finally safe to do so. In the past, it seems, Mr. Imus brutally excoriated those who crossed him. And now, we suppose, its payback time.

For some reason or other, dear reader, weve found the whole Imus kerfuffle vaguely unsatisfying. And, to be honest, were not sure why.

After all, weve always studiously avoided the feculent Imus in the Morning. Its slow, boring, and stupid. Imus co-hosts were inane; they cant even do passable impressions. Frankly, its embarrassing. We never knew much about Imus racial insensitivity, but that just adds another to the long list of reasons not to listen to his mindless prattling.

In addition, Imus seems like a real Grade-A jerk. From what little we know of the show, he appears to treat his colleagues with scorn and is an all-around grouch. If he is forced into early retirement, itll mean nothing to us. Serves the jerk right.

And yet this all doesnt sit right with us. Naturally, we found it disturbing that Mr. Imus would take his case to the (Ir)Rev. Al Sharpton, Americas premiere racial huckster. Ah, yes: Genuflect to Rev. Althatll really demonstrate your anti-racist bona fides. Does anyone else remember Freddys Fashion Mart and the so-called white interlopers? We sure do.

Maybe, dear reader, were unsatisfied because we find Mr. Imus punishment so lame. We mean, come on: Everyone seems to detest this fellow. The media (suddenly) cant seem to stop talking about it.

If you ask us, its time to end this whole mess. As such, we propose two possible outcomes: Either let Imus go and stop talking about this brouhaha, or kill him. Either way, at least well eventually drop the subject.

Posted at April 16, 2007 12:01 AM | TrackBack