October 11, 2004
Sullying Ourselves Again In our
Sullying Ourselves Again
In our last post, dear reader, we, the crack young staff of “The Hatemonger’s Quarterly,” excoriated the disgracefully inept “weblog” Sullywatch. This “weblog,” which is devoted solely to criticizing the work of the journalist Andrew Sullivan, found fault with Mr. Sullivan because he deigned to link to our humble e-journal.We pointed out, among other things, that the proprietor of Sullywatch, who appears strangely obsessed with the real and imagined errors of Mr. Sullivan, is himself a sloppy eighth-rate hack. Interestingly, whilst harping on the purported sins of Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Sullywatch offers his readers lines chock-a-block with malapropisms and grammatical blunders.
It seems as if our humble criticisms of Mr. Sullywatch hit home. In a more recent post on his blather-filled “weblog,” Mr. Sullywatch again takes aim at the crack young staff.
First, it is important to note that Mr. Sullywatch leaves our commentary on his ineptness unsullied by his ineptness. He lets our arguments stand, as he is incapable of mustering a defense. Instead, he responds by slinging some mud in our humble direction.
Below we provide his dunderheaded charges, to which we affix our own humble commentary:
If Sullivan wants to link to the Hatemonger’s Quarterly again in the future, he might want to consider that they [sic] seem to think that there is something inherently giggly about African-American history and culture
Hmmm. If he wants to link to us “again in the future”? Talk about the Department of Redundancy Department. It is humorous to note that Mr. Sullywatch, who clearly writes with all the acumen and skill of a third-grader, waxes intemperate about Andrew Sullivan’s supposed gaffes. We, the crack young staff of “The Hatemonger’s Quarterly,” officially find this “giggly.”
But let us get to the heart of Mr. Sullywatch’s unfounded assault. He ineptly blasts our humble post on the supposed dissolution of Harvard’s African and African-American Studies Department by falsely claiming that we find the very subject of “African-American history and culture” silly.
We haven’t the vaguest idea what Mr. Sullywatch means. As even third-grade readers of our humble “weblog” could detect, we, the crack young staff of “The Hatemonger’s Quarterly,” were finding fault with the academic study of rap music. Just in case Mr. Sullywatch has not taken his nose away from Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish for some time, let us be the first to assure him that rap music is performed both by white and black “entertainers.”
In addition, calling rap music “culture,” as Mr. Sullywatch does in his post, seems to us correct only in the sense that a sample of bacteria can be called a culture.
This need not imply—as does Mr. Sullywatch—that African-American culture is itself foolish. That would be absurd. Perhaps Mr. Sullywatch was too busy licking his bruises from our last discussion of his feeble “weblog” to note that our humble post obviously favored the studying of African languages.
It strikes us, the crack young staff of “The Hatemonger’s Quarterly,” as insulting—dare we say racist?—to insinuate that rap music amounts to the apex of black culture. We feel it says something very sordid about Mr. Sullywatch indeed. Perhaps this is why the "weblog" An Age Like This referred to Sullywatch as "simply homophobic, malicious, and disgusting."
At the conclusion of his blast at this humble “weblog,” Mr. Sullywatch pathetically attempts to get one of his “weblogger” friends to join in on his attack on the crack young staff. This is the height of feebleness: Incapable of offering his own sound arguments, Mr. Sullywatch calls for the cavalry.
To which we, the crack young staff of “The Hatemonger’s Quarterly,” reply: Bring it on. If his pals prove half as inept as Mr. Sullywatch himself, demolishing them should prove as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
Or, as easy as writing a muddleheaded “weblog” that offers nothing more than mindless carping on the work of a serious and respected journalist.